Sunday 3 March 2013


Rotaract Club of IoBM joined to this project by talking about "Animal World" project that is run by them.

Who are we?
We are a team of young students, working for social action project under “ACTIVE CITIZEN PROGRAM” of British Council and The Visionary Foundation of Pakistan. 

What is “Active Citizens Program”?
Active Citizens Program is a non-profit program run by the British Council in partnership with civil society organizations who share our vision. The program works with those people who have demonstrated they have local social responsibility, including students, youth workers, women’s groups, educators and faith leaders. Working together, these local influencers build trust and understanding, develop skills and deliver projects on urgent themes such as poverty, literacy, democracy and climate change, and connecting local and international agendas through the program.

What is “Animal World”?
Each day hundreds of animals die because of ignorance. The project “Animal World” aims to create awareness regarding animal welfare in the society so that we can make this world a better place for them to live because earth is their home too. We use animals for our own benefit daily and also abuse them. We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves

School Workshops:
We initiated school workshops because we wanted to develop a sense of responsibility in children and teach them that how they can care and protect animals. Through our initial survey we got to know that poor children are more involved in animal abuse that’s why we targeted non-profit schools first. We have conducting fun learning workshops at Creek School of IoBM and Government School of NawabShah in January, 2013. We received great response from student and school’s administration helped us well as encouraged us. We didn’t have funds but we were full of passion and enthusiasm. We tried a lot for sponsors but failed because of short period of time. This even didn’t discourage each of us and we gathered our pocked money and invested for this great cause. When we give little love, we get little love for our own self and we think that is the best return on investment. We inspired and encouraged 60 students so far through this project and have planned to do more.

Rotaract Club of IoBM – RID 3271, PAKISTAN

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