Monday 3 December 2012


The European Bison is one of the two still living species of bison on the world. In addition there are five extinct species of bison, but only American Bison still alives too. Despite that it is herbivorous animals the big bull can have even 1000 kg, what means that they are the heaviest surviving wild land animal in Europe.

Historically, the lowland European bison’s range encompassed all lowlands of Europe, extending from the Massif Central to the Volga River and the Caucasus. 
Its range decreased as human populations expanded cutting down forests. The first population to be extirpated was that of Gaul in the 8th century AD. 
The European bison became extinct in southern Sweden in the 11th century and southern England in the 12thInto the 20th century bisons survived only in Białowieża in Poland and in Northern Caucasus in Russia. The World War I and poaching had caused that counted only 54 bisons around the world, but not all were suitable for breeding and reproduction. Finally selected only 12 animals. After 1929 bison systematically were released into the wild. Nowadays are around 4500 animals in the world, whereof about 1200 in Poland.

How can we protect these animals:

breeding and releasing into the wild
enforcing penalties for poaching
preserving the natural environment of the bison
constantly monitoring by GPS
school education
public service advertising

Despite of our country make almost of this ideas and numbers of bison still increase they are still endangered species.


Rotaract Club of Poznan  RID 2230, POLAND

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