Tuesday 20 November 2012

International Joint Project

Do we have a safe world for animals? Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like it. Thousands of species have become extinct and many more are now endangered. 
We need to do something fast before it's too late for them. We believe that there are many ways to make our world a better place for animals. We should everything in our power. So, “Safer World For Animals” is a peace project for everybody and everything around us.

We are pleased to invite you to this international joint project. Our aim is to emphasize the endangered animals around the world and contribute to save endangered animals. We will prepare a big solution e-bulletin. Let's help us! Please give an example of the endangered animals and talk briefly about the ways to help them in your country and/or how we could make world a safer place for animals.

You can send your text and photos to that e-mail address: bostanlirtc@gmail.com

They will be shared on this blog.
Deadline: 10 March 2013

"Peace through service"

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